Protect Your Home and
           The Health of your Family   

                HY-TEK HOMECARE LTD


              PLEASE STAY SAFE
Welcome to Hy-Tek Homecare Ltd

Hy-Tek Homecare is an Irish based company, with its headquarters located in Clondalee Beg, Hill Of Down, Enfield Co. Meath.
The company was first established in 2001, and has been providing quality water filtration to customers throughout Ireland.
Working closely with a world leader in water filtration and treatment since 1970.
Hy-Tek has been able to bring the latest water treatment solutions to the Irish market, ensuring that customers can experience the cleanest water that technology will allow.

Water treatment systems designed for residential / commercial / industrial  applications.

Do  you  have  hard water problems?

The Hard



Why is water so important for our bodies?




The world's smallest twin cylinder, non electric water softener.     Read more...




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Advanced Technology For You